Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Day 120: Relaxing + Fashion Messages

Today I learned...
...that relaxing is NOT over-rated.

Today I am thankful for...
...hilarious fashion Facebook messages with my grad school crew. :-D

Monday, April 29, 2013

Day 119: Wonderful Words + Masters Robes!

Today I learned...
...that listening to wonderful things being said about my amazing classmates is every bit as good as listening to wonderful things being said about myself.

Today I am thankful for...
...my very delightful cap and gown! The Masters robe is weirder looking than undergrad robes were once upon a time, but hey - I get to rock a HOOD and some pretty high heels will spice things up. :-)

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day 118: Decrease in Anxiety + Plans and a Walk

Today I learned...
...that my driving anxiety is in fact decreasing.

Today I am thankful for...
...making specific plans regarding what we will do on our vacation, followed by a beautiful walk by myself. :-)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Day 117: Fun with Mom + Spring Quality Time

Today I learned...
...that no matter what we are, time with my mom is fun(ny).

Today I am thankful for...
...nice weather and quality time with Rick.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Day 116: Actions + Friday

Today I learned...
...that sometimes there is no rhyme or reason to the way people act.

Today I am thankful for...
...A REAL FRIDAY. I don't have to work tomorrow. Friday finally feels like a Friday!!!!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Day 115: Thinking the Best + Time with Mom

Today I learned...
...that thinking the best of people doesn't always mean they will do the best things.

Today I am thankful for...
...the chance to be with my mom. We had dinner and saw my friend's production of AIDA. It was a great night.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Day 114: Truth + Abundance

Today I learned...
...that truth triumphs.

Today I am thankful for...
...so many things! A new niece to love! The promise of a vacation with Rick in July! No more assignments! Some relief for friends!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Day 113: Hope + Final Paper

Today I learned...
...that even when you previously assumed the good would not prevail, there is still a chance it may prevail...so essentially, don't give up hope, even when things look hopeless.

Today I am thankful for...
...FINISHING MY VERY LAST PAPER OF GRADUATE SCHOOL. EVER. THE END. I feel like I sing Hallelujahs all night long.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Day 112: Battles + Classmates

Today I learned...
...that the good guys don't always win.

Today I am thankful for...
...my wonderful and inspiring classmates- a beautiful group of people who make me smile.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Day 111: Filler + Coffee

Today I learned...
...that some instructors want you to fill pages just for the sake of filling pages.

Today I am thankful for...
...coffee to fuel me through the writing of my last grad paper ever.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 110: Learning + Dinner Celebrations

Today I learned...
...that I learned A LOT during my crazy 3 year graduate program. After completing a 21 page paper detailing tons of field experience, therapy practice, etc...I feel...accomplished.

Today I am thankful for...
...a delicious dinner out with Rick. We never go out so it was nice to have some time together without having to cook.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Day 109: Bombers + Anniversary

Today I learned...
...that Boston appears to be safe again, after one bombing suspect was killed and the other caught.

Today I am thankful for...
...a lovely wedding anniversary with my husband of 5 years. Love is one of my favorite things to celebrate.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Day 108: Hopeless Situations + Ice Cream Sundaes

Today I learned...
...that a hopeless situation is not necessarily a hopeless situation if you don't give up hope.

Today I am thankful for...
...Wegman's peanut butter cup ice cream sundaes. They make paper-writing better.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Day 107: Lack of Heart + Sisterhood

Today I learned...
...that some people do NOT have your best interest in mind. And that stings. Even when it's directed at someone other than yourself.

Today I am thankful for...
...the sisterhood of my Student Association committee. I love these women who fearlessly stand by each other and their friends...and who happily stand with ME when I intend to advocate on behalf of another. Thank you thank you thank you, sisterhood!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Day 106: Counseling Stats + Advocacy Day

Today I learned...
...that MSWs provide 60% of counseling services. Go, MSWs! I'm 2 weeks away...

Today I am thankful for...
...Advocacy Day in my state's Capitol. Time with friends is always great, but time with MSW friends is cohesive and makes me feel like part of a profession.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Day 105: Boston + Channel

Today I learned...
...that tragedy occurred in Boston. I was shocked and horrified. My thoughts are with everyone affected. I am glad those I know in Boston are safe.

Today I am thankful for...
...my Freedom Fighter sisters on the channel where I make videos every Wednesday. I have officially been making eating disorder recovery/motivational/self-help videos for 4 years. I've been a recovery blogger and a group leader for longer than that, but didn't start making videos until April 2009. :-) Just realized this today. :-)

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Day 104: Paper Writing + a Walk

Today I learned...
...that paper writing is not quite as hellish when you 1) know that other fabulous people are writing along with you and 2) you make a hilarious and frightening video to document the insanity.

Today I am thankful for...
...a nice, sunny walk in my neighborhood. :-)

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Day 103: Discussion + DVR

Today I learned...
...that talking about things you want might help you get them.

Today I am thankful for...
...me time with my DVR before lots of paper writing.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Day 102: Confidence + Promises

Today I learned...
...that confidence affects A LOT.

Today I am thankful for...
...promises of a better future.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Day 101: Endings + Good Company

Today I learned...
...that the end of one thing is the beginning of another thing.

Today I am thankful for...
...appetizers and drinks with good people after a long but good experience.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Day 100: Knowledge + Weather

Today I learned...
...that my classmates are a wealth of information and knowledge about a wide variety of really important topics!

Today I am thankful for...
...the beautiful warm weather that means spring is finally here to stay!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Day 99: Healing + Field Respect

Today I learned...
...that some people have a real, true gift for healing...and that I highly respect that.

Today I am thankful for...
...a field instructor and field liaison who respect me, have given me good experiences, and think I am ready to be a graduate level professional in a mere few weeks time.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Day 98: People Are Listening + Spring!

Today I learned...
...that people are listening to what I say, even when I think they're not.

Today I am thankful for...
...this beautiful (warm) spring weather and the clothes and shoes I can now wear because of it!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Day 97: Hubby Knows Best + Tea

Today I learned...
...that sometimes Rick really does know best when it comes to cold remedies.

Today I am thankful for...
...tea, tea, and more tea. And the time to rest.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Day 96: Not Alone + Fun Time

Today I learned...
...that I'm not alone in some of the things I think.

Today I am thankful for...
...a fun time with friends. ;-)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Day 95: Food + Care

Today I learned...
...that favorite foods improve the mood. Rick and I are both sick with bad colds, so we drove to Panera and Subway for my favorite dinner and his respectively. Then we ate at home together in efforts of self-care. :-)

Today I am thankful for...
...a husband who takes care of me, even when he's sick himself.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Day 94: Encouragement for Girls + Cat Snuggles

Today I learned...
...that there is a HUGE need for young girls to hear positive, encouraging things about themselves. I already knew this, of course, but it keep being reaffirmed and I want to be someone who does it... Someone who encourages, who teaches, who explains that self-worth is valuable. Working on more ways to get the word out...

Today I am thankful for...
...cuddly cats that snuggle me when I feel sick...and yeah, I'm still thankful for NyQuil. :-) G'night!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Day 93: Nap + Classmates

Today I learned...
...that a good, long nap can make a sick woman deliver a presentation without failing. I was sick, but went to work...decided what was best was for me to go home...so I left at 10:45 am, went home and slept until 3:30pm. Then, I got dressed and drove to class to give a presentation. If I had worked all day, I highly doubt I could have delivered a presentation.

Today I am thankful for...
...my very intelligent and caring classmates. They never cease to support me and each other.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Day 92: Time-Outs + NyQuil

Today I learned...
...that time-outs are needed when a person is sick. Even though I make it a commitment to have my Wednesday video up and ready for Wednesday morning, I couldn't... I was too ill. I went to bed instead. The world did not end.

Today I am thankful for...
...NyQuil! No, seriously - I am!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 91: Tumbler Antics + Letters

Today I learned...
...that Tumbler runs laps for hours (like a bunny - because he has to hop) when I'm not home. I found this out today when I was home all day and was able to observe him in his natural habitat. He must only do this on weekdays. Clearly I did not distract him from his normal routine.

Today I am thankful for...
...beautiful letters in the mail from beautiful people. Thank you.